Brandon Q. Morris

Brandon Q. Morris is a physicist and space specialist. He has long been concerned with space issues, both professionally and privately and while he wanted to become an astronaut, he had to stay on Earth for a variety of reasons. He is particularly fascinated by the “what if” and through his books he aims to share compelling hard science fiction stories that could actually happen, and someday may happen. Morris is the author of several best-selling science fiction novels, including The Enceladus Series.

Brandon is a proud member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and of the Mars Society.

The Titan Probe

The Titan Probe

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99Audiobook: $ 9.99

In 2005, the robotic probe “Huygens” lands on Saturn’s moon Titan. 40 years later, a radio telescope receives signals from the far away moon that can only come from the long forgotten lander.

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The Jupiter Catastrophe

The Jupiter Catastrophe

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99
Series: Ice Moon, Book 5
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

After a long journey to Saturn’s moon Enceladus, spaceship ILSE is on its way back to Earth, carrying crucial cargo. The crew is exhausted and wants nothing more than a quick return home. Suddenly, a chain of malfunctions puts the expedition in peril.

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Amphitrite 3: The Black Planet

Amphitrite 3: The Black Planet

$ 14.99eBook: $ 4.99
Series: Amphitrite, Book 3
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

Two outlaws search for an astronaut who has risen from the dead. A team of mercenaries is tasked with uncovering the secret of the invader of our solar system, at any cost.

For both groups it seems that Amphitrite, the Black Planet, is the stage on which they must fight their battles. Nowhere are life and death so closely interwoven as on this strange world, which ultimately has its own way of intervening in events. If only humanity had kept its distance! Amphitrite is no ordinary celestial body. It is the black planet.

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Andromeda: The Arrival

Andromeda: The Arrival

$ 14.99eBook: $ 4.99

They have been traveling towards the Andromeda galaxy for thousands and thousands of years. Suddenly, they receive an offer that sounds far too good to refuse. But are they even ready for the big step that actually promises them the fulfillment of all their wishes? Aren't those who want to make it possible perhaps also pursuing their own plans, which will plunge the entire planet into great danger?

Andromeda - The Arrival is the conclusion of the Andromeda trilogy.

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The Sword of God

The Sword of God

$ 14.99eBook: $ 5.99
Series: The Dark Cloud, Book 3
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

The expedition to the dark cloud LDN 63 has solved the riddle of the mysterious events there - but at a high price. Thousands of alien ships threaten Earth's emissaries. The only way to stop them could be an ancient weapon.

But to trigger it, astronomer Celia and her colleagues must give themselves up – while it  is not at all certain that their sacrifice can really prevent the worst: Even then the attackers might reach the solar system and Earth.

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The Io Encounter

The Io Encounter

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99Audiobook: $ 9.99

Jupiter’s moon Io has an extremely hostile environment. There are hot lava streams, seas of boiling sulfur, and frequent volcanic eruptions straight from Dante’s Inferno, in addition to constant radiation bombardment and a surface temperature hovering at minus 180 degrees Celsius.

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Ice Moon (Box Set)

Ice Moon (Box Set)

$ 29.99eBook: $ 9.99
Series: Ice Moon, Book 6
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

All four bestselling books of the Ice Moon series are now offered as a set.

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Helium-3: Death from the Past

Helium-3: Death from the Past

$ 14.99eBook: $ 4.99

No sooner has one of the last surviving humans delivered this bad news to the representatives of the Mendraki and the Iks than he disappears. Kimi, Norok, Tolkut, and Kasfok find themselves alone in a spaceship controlled by technology they do not understand, and together they must avert a threat whose source they do not know.
They have only one clue: They must locate the hidden supercomputer that preserves information about a dark chapter in the history of the strange bipeds – information that may save their peoples...

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Möbius – The Timeless Artifact

Möbius – The Timeless Artifact

$ 14.99eBook: $ 4.99Audiobook: $ 9.95

It is 2056. Mathematics professor Elisabeth Gabai is fascinated by multi-dimensional forms that have no equivalent in reality. Then, her boss sends her to the site of an artifact that might have come straight from her theories—or from the technology of an advanced civilization.

Twenty-eight years earlier, physicist Max Webber is hell-bent on improving Einstein’s theories of relativity. His latest concept seems flawless, except it predicts the end of humanity. The extinction of Earth can only be prevented if Max can locate a multi-dimensional object. He’s in a hurry; tomorrow will inevitably be too late.

But how is he supposed to accomplish this goal when physics tells us the artifact he seeks cannot possibly exist?

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Le Fanal

Le Fanal

eBook: € 5.49

Peter Kraemer, un prof de physique passionné d’astronomie, fait une découverte qui le laisse pantois : des étoiles disparaissent du jour au lendemain, sans qu’il n’en reste rien. Les chercheurs qu’il contacte lui fournissent alors des explications rassurantes et logiques pour chaque cas.

Mais lorsque Peter arrive à la conclusion que le mystérieux processus s’approche de notre propre système, cela l’inquiète de plus en plus. Et il est le seul à se rendre compte que la catastrophe est imminente. Quand il croit avoir trouvé une manière d’éviter le désastre qui nous pend au nez, il décide de mettre tout en œuvre pour l’empêcher, même si ça risque de lui coûter son travail, son mariage, ses amis, et même sa vie.

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Return to Enceladus

Return to Enceladus

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99Audiobook: $ 9.99

Russian billionaire Nikolai Shostakovitch makes an offer to the former crew of the spaceship ILSE. He will finance a return voyage to the icy moon Enceladus. The offer is too good to refuse—the expedition would give them the unique opportunity to recover the body of their doctor, Dimitri Marchenko.

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Clouds of Venus

Clouds of Venus

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99

Where life as we know it is impossible, the real adventure begins.

Venus is a hostile planet, covered by active volcanoes. Nevertheless, NASA launches an expedition to search for life there, because the dense clouds of Earth's hot sister could offer good conditions for it. Their specially developed airship cruises in the clouds of Venus to serve as a research platform for its four astronauts.

When they discover dangerous activities on the glowing-hot surface, there can only be one explanation: A highly sophisticated life form must be at work.

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Retour sur Encelade

Retour sur Encelade

€ 14.99eBook: € 3.99
Series: Lune de Glace, Book 4
Genre: Hard Science Fiction
Tag: Français

Le milliardaire russe, Nikolai Shostakovitch, fait une offre à l'ancien équipage du vaisseau spatial ILSE. Il financera un voyage de retour vers la lune glacée d'Encelade. L'offre est trop tentante pour être refusée. Cette expédition leur donnerait l’occasion unique de récupérer le corps de leur médecin, Dimitri Marchenko.

Tout le monde à bord sait que leur bienfaiteur agit pour des motivations purement personnelles… mais les véritables intérêts du magnat et les dangers qu'il évoque dépassent l'imagination de quiconque.

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Möbius 2

Möbius 2

$ 14.99eBook: $ 4.99

Max and Liz have escaped the mysterious time phenomenon by traveling to the Mars colony, which promises a whole new, exciting, and secure life. But they've left behind someone important to them.

Should they embark on a journey from which no one has ever returned? And why does everyone seem to put obstacles in their way even as they try?

The physicist and the mathematician must contend with forces that cannot be swayed by logical arguments while time, at an accelerating pace, is running out for their friend on Earth.

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The Wrath of God

The Wrath of God

$ 14.99eBook: $ 5.99
Series: The Dark Cloud, Book 4
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

The crew of the Truthseeker has managed to trigger the cosmic trap that was supposed to destroy the entire invasion fleet. But Celia, Jaron, Jürgen, Paul and their AI were not fast enough. While they are on their way to the solar system in a World Root, a huge spaceship with its own consciousness, a danger approachES that can alter the dimensions of the universe and is after the most valuable thing that mankind possesses: the water of the oceans, atmosphere and life.

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The Hole

The Hole

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99Audiobook: $ 9.99

The survival of humankind is at risk, but nobody takes the warning of young astrophysicist Maribel Pedreira seriously. At the same time, an exiled crew of outcasts mines for rare minerals on a lone asteroid.

When other scientists finally acknowledge Pedreira’s alarming discovery, it becomes clear that these outcasts are the only ones who may be able to save our world, knowing that THE HOLE hurtles inexorably toward the sun.

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The Dark Spring

The Dark Spring

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99

In 2014, the ESA spacecraft Rosetta lands a small probe named Philae on 67P, a Jupiter-family comet. The lander goes radio silent two years later. Suddenly, in 2026, scientists receive new transmissions from the comet. Motivated by findings that are initially sensational but soon turn frightening, NASA dispatches a crewed spacecraft to the comet. But as the ship approaches the mysterious celestial body, the connection to the astronauts soon breaks. Now it seems nothing can be done anymore to stop the looming dark danger that threatens Earth ...

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Into the Darkness

Into the Darkness

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99

Luhman 16 is a binary system of brown dwarfs - stars that have failed to ignite the nuclear fusion process inside them. Therefore, the sun never rises on the planets orbiting them.

The crew of the spaceship "Majestic Draght", consisting of aliens and humans, must plunge deep into the darkness to help castaways fighting for their lives here, of all places. But then something happens that no one could have expected …

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L’Ascension de Proxima

L’Ascension de Proxima

À la fin du XXIe siècle, la Terre reçoit ce qui semble être un appel à l’aide urgent venant de la planète Proxima du Centaure b, située dans le système stellaire le plus proche du Soleil.

Les astrophysiciens soupçonnent qu’une éruption solaire massive est sur le point de détruire cette civilisation inconnue jusqu’alors. Les programmes spatiaux de la Terre ne sont pas équipés pour pouvoir les aider, mais un milliardaire russe sans scrupules lance un vaisseau spatial secret et hautement spécialisé vers Proxima b, à plus de quatre années-lumière.

L’équipage inhabituel est confronté à une tâche herculéenne, s’il survit au voyage. Personne ne sait à quoi s’attendre sur cette planète étrangère.

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The Last Fleet 4: Darkfield

The Last Fleet 4: Darkfield

$ 14.99eBook: $ 5.99
Series: The Last Fleet, Book 4
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

In the year 2381, Peraia, oldest daughter of Emperor Haeron II, disappears from the human space sector with her research ship Persephone. What nobody suspects is that she has ventured into enemy territory, into the mysterious realm the Orb. There, Peraia is on the trail of a secret that could change the future of the universe.

But she is not the only one who wants to solve this mystery. Pyrik, a botanist from the Orb who is charged with the care of a very special plant, finds himself drawn into into perilous situations that will push him beyond his limits.

In the face of huge obstacles, Pyrik fights to unravel the threads and sets off on a journey to reach Peraia and Persephone. But even if he makes it, one question remains: will he arrive as friend or foe?

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