The alien spaceship Majestic Draght is finally on its way to Earth. How will humans react to the gargantuan spaceship, whose technology is vastly superior to anything on Earth?
No sooner has the crew reached Saturn’s orbit than they lose control of the ship. The Omniscience - the artificial intelligence that controls the Draght’s systems, and which has always had a compelling interest in the solar system - has disappeared.
While the crew searches for the AI, the dark matter drive also fails. Suddenly the Draght is in danger of crashing into Saturn’s nearby moon, Enceladus, jeopardizing the enigmatic being at the bottom of the Enceladus Ocean.
The alien spaceship Majestic Draght is finally on its way to Earth. How will humans react to the gargantuan spaceship, whose technology is vastly superior to anything on Earth?
No sooner has the crew reached Saturn’s orbit than they lose control of the ship. The Omniscience – the artificial intelligence that controls the Draght’s systems, and which has always had a compelling interest in the solar system – has disappeared.
While the crew searches for the AI, the dark matter drive also fails. Suddenly the Draght is in danger of crashing into Saturn’s nearby moon, Enceladus, jeopardizing the enigmatic being at the bottom of the Enceladus ocean.