Book Table

Silent Sun

Silent Sun

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99Audiobook: $ 9.99

When an amateur astronomer discovers something strange on telescopic solar pictures, an explanation must be found. Is it merely artefact? Or has he found something totally unexpected? An expert international crew is hastily assembled, a spaceship is speedily repurposed, and the foursome is sent on the ride of their lives. What challenges will they face on this spur-of-the-moment mission to our central star?

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The Hole

The Hole

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99Audiobook: $ 9.99

The survival of humankind is at risk, but nobody takes the warning of young astrophysicist Maribel Pedreira seriously. At the same time, an exiled crew of outcasts mines for rare minerals on a lone asteroid.

When other scientists finally acknowledge Pedreira’s alarming discovery, it becomes clear that these outcasts are the only ones who may be able to save our world, knowing that THE HOLE hurtles inexorably toward the sun.

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Return to Enceladus

Return to Enceladus

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99Audiobook: $ 9.99

Russian billionaire Nikolai Shostakovitch makes an offer to the former crew of the spaceship ILSE. He will finance a return voyage to the icy moon Enceladus. The offer is too good to refuse—the expedition would give them the unique opportunity to recover the body of their doctor, Dimitri Marchenko.

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The Io Encounter

The Io Encounter

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99Audiobook: $ 9.99

Jupiter’s moon Io has an extremely hostile environment. There are hot lava streams, seas of boiling sulfur, and frequent volcanic eruptions straight from Dante’s Inferno, in addition to constant radiation bombardment and a surface temperature hovering at minus 180 degrees Celsius.

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The Titan Probe

The Titan Probe

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99Audiobook: $ 9.99

In 2005, the robotic probe “Huygens” lands on Saturn’s moon Titan. 40 years later, a radio telescope receives signals from the far away moon that can only come from the long forgotten lander.

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The Jupiter Catastrophe

The Jupiter Catastrophe

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99
Series: Ice Moon, Book 5
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

After a long journey to Saturn’s moon Enceladus, spaceship ILSE is on its way back to Earth, carrying crucial cargo. The crew is exhausted and wants nothing more than a quick return home. Suddenly, a chain of malfunctions puts the expedition in peril.

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Ice Moon (Box Set)

Ice Moon (Box Set)

$ 29.99eBook: $ 9.99
Series: Ice Moon, Book 6
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

All four bestselling books of the Ice Moon series are now offered as a set.

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Clouds of Venus

Clouds of Venus

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99

Where life as we know it is impossible, the real adventure begins.

Venus is a hostile planet, covered by active volcanoes. Nevertheless, NASA launches an expedition to search for life there, because the dense clouds of Earth's hot sister could offer good conditions for it. Their specially developed airship cruises in the clouds of Venus to serve as a research platform for its four astronauts.

When they discover dangerous activities on the glowing-hot surface, there can only be one explanation: A highly sophisticated life form must be at work.

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Retour sur Encelade

Retour sur Encelade

€ 14.99eBook: € 3.99
Series: Lune de Glace, Book 4
Genre: Hard Science Fiction
Tag: Français

Le milliardaire russe, Nikolai Shostakovitch, fait une offre à l'ancien équipage du vaisseau spatial ILSE. Il financera un voyage de retour vers la lune glacée d'Encelade. L'offre est trop tentante pour être refusée. Cette expédition leur donnerait l’occasion unique de récupérer le corps de leur médecin, Dimitri Marchenko.

Tout le monde à bord sait que leur bienfaiteur agit pour des motivations purement personnelles… mais les véritables intérêts du magnat et les dangers qu'il évoque dépassent l'imagination de quiconque.

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Helium-3: Death from the Past

Helium-3: Death from the Past

$ 14.99eBook: $ 4.99

No sooner has one of the last surviving humans delivered this bad news to the representatives of the Mendraki and the Iks than he disappears. Kimi, Norok, Tolkut, and Kasfok find themselves alone in a spaceship controlled by technology they do not understand, and together they must avert a threat whose source they do not know.
They have only one clue: They must locate the hidden supercomputer that preserves information about a dark chapter in the history of the strange bipeds – information that may save their peoples...

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Amphitrite 3: The Black Planet

Amphitrite 3: The Black Planet

$ 14.99eBook: $ 4.99
Series: Amphitrite, Book 3
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

Two outlaws search for an astronaut who has risen from the dead. A team of mercenaries is tasked with uncovering the secret of the invader of our solar system, at any cost.

For both groups it seems that Amphitrite, the Black Planet, is the stage on which they must fight their battles. Nowhere are life and death so closely interwoven as on this strange world, which ultimately has its own way of intervening in events. If only humanity had kept its distance! Amphitrite is no ordinary celestial body. It is the black planet.

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The Wall: Eternal Day

The Wall: Eternal Day

$ 14.99eBook: $ 4.99

Judith Rosenberg, captain of the spaceship ARES, is under pressure. After the previous mission to Mars crashed, she is supposed to set down the first humans on the Red Planet. Maxim Goncharov, meanwhile, has other problems to contend with. He's in charge of building an international lunar base at the moon's south pole, where the sun almost always shines. But his crew is slowly running out of resources. Humankind seems to have lost interest in the moon. When the ARES encounters an interstellar visitor, the researchers on the moon uncover its true nature: A discovery with terrible consequences, as Judith and Maxim find out almost simultaneously.

The Wall: Eternal Day depicts a fateful chain of events that changes the solar system and all its inhabitants forever. But there are two sides to every fate. In The Wall: Eternal Night by Joshua T. Calvert, you will learn about the other side.

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The Beacon

The Beacon

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99

Peter Kraemer, a physics teacher with a passion for astronomy, makes a discovery that he himself can hardly believe: Stars disappear from one day to the next, with nothing left of them. The researchers he contacts provide reassuring and logical explanations for every single case. But when Peter determines that the mysterious process is approaching our home system, he becomes more and more anxious. He alone perceives the looming catastrophe. When he believes he has found a way to avert the impending disaster, he chooses to pull out all the stops, even if it costs his job, his marriage, his friends, and his life.

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Helium-3: Fight for the Future

Helium-3: Fight for the Future

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99

The star system is perfect. The arrivals have undertaken a long and dangerous journey—an expedition of no return—seeking helium-3, essential for the survival of their species. The discovery of this extraordinary solar system with its four gas giants offers a unique opportunity to harvest the rare isotope.

Then comes a disturbing discovery: They are not alone! Another fleet is here, and just as dependent on helium-3. And the two species are so fundamentally different that communication and compromise appear hopeless. All that remains is a fight to the death—and for the future…

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La Rencontre de Io

La Rencontre de Io

€ 14.99eBook: € 3.99
Series: Lune de Glace, Book 3
Genre: Hard Science Fiction
Tag: Français

La lune Io de Jupiter est un environnement extrêmement hostile : des coulées de laves chaudes, des mers de soufre bouillant et des éruptions volcaniques fréquentes émanant directement de l'Enfer de Dante, en plus d'un bombardement continuel de rayonnements et d'une température de moins 180 degrés Celsius.

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La Sonde Titan

La Sonde Titan

€ 14.99eBook: € 3.99
Series: Lune de Glace, Book 2
Genre: Hard Science Fiction
Tag: Français

En 2005, la sonde robotique Huygens atterrit sur la lune de Saturne, Titan. 40 ans plus tard, un radiotélescope reçoit des signaux de la lune lointaine qui ne peuvent provenir que de l'atterrisseur oublié depuis longtemps. En ce moment même, une expédition revient de la lune voisine Encelade.

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La Mission Encelade

La Mission Encelade

€ 14.99eBook: € 2.99
Series: Lune de Glace, Book 1
Genre: Hard Science Fiction
Tag: Français

En 2031, une sonde robotique détecte des traces d’activité biologique sur Encelade, l’une des lunes de Saturne. Cette découverte sensationnelle montre qu'il existe en effet des preuves de vie extraterrestre. Quinze ans plus tard, un vaisseau spatial construit à la hâte part pour le long voyage vers la planète à anneaux et sa lune.

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Amphitrite 2: The Black Planet

Amphitrite 2: The Black Planet

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99
Series: Amphitrite, Book 2
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

Despite all the dangers of the newly discovered Black Planet, two astronauts investigate the celestial body. They find clues to its legendary origin and incredible age, and soon realize that Amphitrite hides an even greater secret.

Meanwhile, the ancient newcomer approaches Earth in its unusual orbit. The black dust covering its surface grabs the attention of several competing companies because of its unique, profit-promising properties.

Thus begins a race to the planet, a celestial body which—as it turns out—humanity would have been better off letting pass by Earth untouched.

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Proxima Trilogy: Part 1-3

Proxima Trilogy: Part 1-3

eBook: $ 9.99

Late in the 21st century, Earth receives what looks like an urgent plea for help from planet Proxima Centauri b in the closest star system to the Sun. Astrophysicists suspect a massive solar flare is about to destroy this heretofore-unknown civilization.

Earth’s space programs are unequipped to help, but an unscrupulous Russian billionaire launches a secret and highly-specialized spaceship to Proxima b, over four light-years away. The unusual crew faces a Herculean task—should they survive the journey. No one knows what to expect from this alien planet.

The omnibus edition of the Proxima trilogy.

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Amphitrite: The Black Planet

Amphitrite: The Black Planet

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99
Series: Amphitrite, Book 1
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

For years astronomers have been searching for a planet beyond Neptune‘s orbit. They keep finding clues, but the decisive evidence of an actual sighting eludes them.

The four astronauts on board the Ganymede Explorer aren’t interested in scientific renown. They just need a safe place to hide out, as far as possible from any kind of civilization. But it seems apt that they of all people wind up being the ones to track down a previously unknown planet. They land full of enthusiasm and curiosity – it doesn’t occur to them to be afraid. But they don’t know what they’ve found. Amphitrite is no ordinary celestial body. It’s the black planet.

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Impact: Earth

Impact: Earth

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99
Series: Impact, Book 2
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

2312: In the first-ever terraforming program, millions of drones are repairing the home of humanity, which had been rendered virtually uninhabitable by the Great War of 2299. Megacorporation Olympus manufactures and controls the autonomous repair swarms, and is building a widespread mining system in the asteroid’s main belt to harvest the resources urgently needed to restore Earth.

When the control center on Psyche loses contact with an automated mining station in the main belt, Olympus hastily assembles a small team to reboot the errant software. As soon as they land on the asteroid, Sara Renberg and her two teammates discover they are in the grip of a mysterious and powerful force – and Earth itself is the target of a devastating attack!

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Impact: Titan

Impact: Titan

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99
Series: Impact, Book 1
Genre: Hard Science Fiction

250 years ago, humanity nearly destroyed itself in the Great War. Shortly before, a spaceship full of researchers and astronauts had found a new home on Saturn's moon, Titan, and survived by having their descendants genetically adapted to the hostile environment.

The Titanians, as they call themselves, are proud of their cooperative and peaceful society, while unbeknownst to them, humanity is slowly recovering back on Earth. When a 20-mile-wide chunk of rock escapes the asteroid belt and appears to be on a collision course with Earth, the Titanians fear it must look as if they launched the deadly bombardment. Can they prevent the impact and thus avoid an otherwise inevitable war with the Earthlings?

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Mars Nation: The Complete Trilogy

Mars Nation: The Complete Trilogy

$ 29.99eBook: $ 9.99Audiobook: $ 9.99

NASA finally made it. The very first human has just set foot on the surface of our neighbor planet. This is the start of a long research expedition that sent four scientists into space.

But the four astronauts of the NASA crew are not the only ones with this destination. The privately financed ‘Mars for Everyone’ initiative has also targeted the Red Planet. Twenty men and women have been selected to live there and establish the first extraterrestrial settlement.
Challenges arise even before they reach Mars orbit. The MfE spaceship Santa Maria is damaged along the way. Only the four NASA astronauts can intervene and try to save their lives.

No one anticipates the impending catastrophe that threatens their very existence—not to speak of the daily hurdles that an extended stay on an alien planet sets before them. On Mars, a struggle begins for limited resources, human cooperation, and just plain survival.

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The Dark Spring

The Dark Spring

$ 14.99eBook: $ 3.99

In 2014, the ESA spacecraft Rosetta lands a small probe named Philae on 67P, a Jupiter-family comet. The lander goes radio silent two years later. Suddenly, in 2026, scientists receive new transmissions from the comet. Motivated by findings that are initially sensational but soon turn frightening, NASA dispatches a crewed spacecraft to the comet. But as the ship approaches the mysterious celestial body, the connection to the astronauts soon breaks. Now it seems nothing can be done anymore to stop the looming dark danger that threatens Earth ...

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The Enceladus Mission

The Enceladus Mission

$ 14.99eBook: $ 2.99Audiobook: $ 9.99

In the year 2031, a robot probe detects traces of biological activity on Enceladus, one of Saturn’s moons. This sensational discovery shows that there is indeed evidence of extraterrestrial life. Fifteen years later, a hurriedly built spacecraft sets out on the long journey to the ringed planet and its moon.

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