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- BrandonQMorris
Brandon Q. Morris is a physicist and space specialist. He has long been concerned with space issues, both professionally and privately and while he wanted to become an astronaut, he had to stay on Earth for a variety of reasons. He is particularly fascinated by the “what if” and through his books he aims to share compelling hard science fiction stories that could actually happen, and someday may happen. Morris is the author of several best-selling science fiction novels, including The Enceladus Series.
Brandon is a proud member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and of the Mars Society.
- In search of the asymmetry of the universe 05/29/2023
- Where do the bubbles outside the Milky Way come from? 05/16/2023
- Who polluted the globular clusters? 05/13/2023
- More life at the first stars? 04/19/2023
- A new picture of dark matter 04/12/2023
Hi! I’m a night reader. As I write this, it’s 1:06 a.m and I’m in bed. My Kindle app isn’t working tonight so I checked my email and found your message.. I love your books and it sure angers me that the first thing humans do when they discover an advanced alien intelligence is to try to destroy it! Hopefully they won’t succeed and our intrepid travellers will somehow save the day.
Thank you so much! And good luck to our travellers 🙂
The thing is ‘Gordon Harris’ if we ever do meet a true alien out there, they may well try to destroy us as well. I would think composure should prevail, however, I am a real positive individual, many are not and their first impulse may be to destroy. Still, if we could step back for a moment and try to communicate first instead of killing first, I believe that is the answer.
I really hope we’ll try to communicate first 🙂 Cixin Liu paints a pretty dark picture here that I don’t support.
Il s’ajoute à une indéniable connaissance physique, astronomique et mathématique un grand talent d’auteur…
qui a su me projeter sans répis (du début à la fin du roman) sur cette lune glacée, dans un format assez court.
Un beau succès littéraire, que l’informaticien que je suis salut en outre pour quelques apartés bien crédibles dans ce domaine.
Bravo !
Merci beaucoup, David! J’en suis très content. Si vous avez aucune question … c’est un plaisir de répondre.
Hi! No, I’m not usually a night reader (or writer), however I found myself staying up quite late last night to finish the Io Encounter.. It’s such a long time since I got so hooked on such an excellent story! … or series of stories. For years I’ve been looking for some good hard science fiction. I enjoy lots of different types of fiction, but not usually the fantasy-style of science fiction. Your 3 volume series — the Enceladus Mission, the Titan Probe, and the Io Encounter are all excellent! I can hardly wait for the next book in the series., and I’ve also enjoyed the extra PDF’s that you’ve been sending with the book downloads. Thank you very much!!!
I’m an enthusiastic amateur astronomer and photographer as well so many of my nights are spent star gazing and photographing the night sky.
Hi, great to hear from you! Hope you will enjoy the next books as well. Would you share some sky photos?
I absolutely agree with you. Amjhce I really like Brandon’s hard science fiction, I haven’t read such engaging and positive stories in years. Thank you.
Sono assolutamente d’accordo con te. Amjhce a me piace molto la hard fantascienza di Brandon, erano anni che non leggevo storie così avvincenti e positive. Grazie.
Just wanted to share my enthusiasm for the first three books of your series and am currently reading Return to Enceladus. I must say that after I started to read The Titan Probe, I had to purchase the remaining two books immediately and currently waiting for the April 15th release of The Hole which I pre-purchased. I know you’ll ask to put this comment on Face Book but being 53, not too interested. Will cut and paste the first two sentences to Amazon. Thank you very much for such intelligent reading.
Hi, great to hear from you! Getting 53 too this year so I won’t ask you to put anything on Facebook 🙂 Thank you for reading my books! It’s a pleasure to write for you.
Hello Brandon/Matthias
I’m a retired IBMer and a life-long fan of Science Fiction. My favorite authors writing today are (in no particular order) Paul McCauley, Jack McDevitt, N.K. Jemisin, John Scalzi, James S..A. Corey, Jennifer Foehner Wells, Andy Weir and now Brandon Q. Morris.. I’ve read everything available from you up to and including The Hole, and have enjoyed them all very much. I believe you are the heir to the great Hal Clement. Congratulations and I’m looking forward to your next novel!
Hi Don, great to hear from you! The reference to Hal Clement makes me blush. The next novels are pretty near 🙂
Hi Brandon,
Just a quick thank you for your great work. I’ve read all 4 ice moon books (in the order 1, 4, 2, 3, which probably wasn’t the best idea with hindsight, ha ha). Then I went on to read Silent Sun and The Hole, and very much enjoyed them too. I really like all the characters you create, and I think that the mix of real scientific information and the tasters of some of the more exotic unverified theories out there is just right. The Rift is next on my list.
Thanks, Chris! Have fun with The Rift 🙂
Hi, just to let you know that I greatly enjoyed ‘The Enceladus Mission’. It’s so good to read some Science Fiction that actually has some science in it. Anyway, after completing the book I had to immediatley buy the next one, ‘The Titan Probe’ and send a message to one of my friends that he needs to start reading your books. They are such a refreshing change from the usual SF.
I can see that this is likley to result in me eventually purchasing all your books 🙂
Kind Regards
Hi, thanks a lot! And thank you for reading my books 🙂
Hi Brandon, I’ve read all the Enceladus books up to the Silent Sun. I am very much looking forward to it. I stay up late at nights to read because it is a great way to do it. Like you write I imagine.
I am five months away from becoming seventy-two, my seventy-third year. I am a retired engineer so to speak because I have lived many lives as it were; at least it feels that way.
I will write to you more about me as we go along. It is still morning and I have to mobilize myself to get some things done.
Talk soon,
Thanks, Ben, great to hear from you. I hope I can provide you with reading material for the next thirty years 🙂
Hello! I do like to read at night… and well… during the day too. I am tinkering around with a few stories of my own which I hope to publish some day soon. I am only part way into your book Proxima Rising and have been absolutely loving it! A very unique concept and the tie in to so much current science and ideas about interstellar probes is amazing! As I said I am only part way through the story (so no spoilers) but I noted that one character references a “past life” related to time near or on Enceladus, which of course made me assume this might be a reference to your book “The Enceladus Mission” … are the Proxima books and the others you have written best read in a certain order? if so… can you suggest the sequence you would think would be of most interest to readers?
Hi, thanks for your compliments! The reading sequence is the same as shown here:
The Proxima trilogy is outside of the main sequence, but in The Enceladus Mission you learn where Marchenko comes from. He’s not always been an AI …
Hello, I just finished The Enceladus Mission and absolutely loved it! I read it morning, noon and night because I couldn’t put it down. I became fascinated with space exploration after reading a few articles about Mars rovers about 5 years ago. As a kid I’d always had a fascination with what was beyond the sky above, but it wasn’t until seeing actual pictures of the Martian surface that I really became an addict. Since then I have tried to get my hands on any hard science concerning space exploration. I’ve read every article and watched every documentary. From the Apollo missions, to Cassini and New Horizons, I am amazed with every discovery made. I really valued The Enceladus Mission, because the science you added to your book helped me realistically imagine possible future space missions. Science will continue to progress, and so to will the human will to explore the Cosmos. Thanks again for your work!
Great you liked it! The science part is added to all my books to make them more enjoyable. Great to see it works!
Escribo en español porque ha dicho que entiende y además es más fácil para mí. Acabo de leer “La Misión Encélado” y me ha dejado fascinado con lo verosímil de su narración. Tanto que no pude contener las ganas de escribirle y que sepa no solo por la reseña que he dejado, sino directamente a usted lo encantado que he quedado con su obra, que no solo me mantuvo pegado a mi Kindle, sino que además me ha encantado la información adicional.
Ahora comenzaré con “La Sonda Titán” con altas expectativas. Espero disfrutarla como he disfrutado la primera,
Gracias por estas interesantes obras!
¡Hola! Muchas gracias para escribirme aquí. Espero que hayas disfrutado de Titán tanto como de Encélado. Gracias para leer mis libros. Si tiene alguna pregunta, estoy siempre disponible.
Bonjour Brandon,
j’aime les livres ayant un fondement scientifique et technique cohérent et qui offrent à l’esprit des perspectives stimulantes. Cette série de romans, même si on est loin du space-opera qui fait mes délices habituels, m’a tenu plusieurs nuits en haleine – je suis moi-même un night- reader,
Merci à l’auteur pour ce grand plaisir, et aussi pour les visites guidées des lunes de Saturne.
Merci beaucoup, Michel!
I am not a night worker but I am retired and often can not sleep at night so I read. I really get my money’s worth out of my Kindle Unlimited subscription. As far as I can tell I have read everything you have written available on Amazon. I look forward to the books with Marchenco in them including the latest “Marchenco’s Children”. I am puzzled because I do not remember reading anything about the Grosnops. Which book were they introduced in?
Hi, great to hear from you! The Grosnops have been introduced in the Proxima trilogy – you may have missed that 🙂 Best, Brandon
Hello again.
I am very sad because I have finished reading all your books translated into Italian.
I am anxiously waiting for the next one.
Could you give us the gift of translating all your books into Italian?
It would be very nice for us and I’m sure that this kind of science fiction would be very popular with Italians, who are quite technological, at least those of the older generations.
Thank you !!!
Ciao di nuovo.
Sono molto triste perché ho finito di leggere tutti i tuoi libri tradotti in Italiano.
Con ansia sto aspettando il prossimo.
Potresti farci il regalo di tradurre tutti i tuoi libri in italiano ?
Sarebbe molto bello per noi e sono sicuro che questo genere di fantascienza piacerebbe molto agli italiani, che sono abbastanza tecnologici, almeno quelli delle vecchie generazioni.
Grazie !!!
Certo! Quest’anno pubblicherò un nuovo libro in italiano ogni mese 🙂 Grazie per averli letti! Ci vediamo su 🙂
I read my first book written by you : “The Enceladus mission” …. wonderful! Compliments!!!! Now I want to continue immediately with the others. I see that you advise to continue with “Titan” but from the abstracts I understand that instead the story of the return of the mission continues in the book “The Jupiter Catastrophe”….. Please, can you tell me the sequence of the books in which it continues the mission started with “Enceladus Mission” ? Thanks and congratulations again for your work…. and excuse my for my terrible english 🙂
Ho letto il mio primo libro scritto da te : “The Enceladus mission” ….meraviglioso! Complimenti!!!! Ora voglio proseguire subito con gli altri. Vedo che tu consigli di proseguire con “Titano” ma dagli abstract mi sembra di capire che invece la storia del rientro della missione prosegue nel libro “The Jupiter Catastrophe”….. Per favore, puoi dirmi la sequenza dei libri in cui prosegue la missione inziata con “Enceladus Mission” ? Grazie e ancora complimenti per il tuo lavoro.
Hi Ezio, do you know my italian website “Titan” is the next book after Enceladus, don’t worry. La Sonda Titano is available in Italian as well!
I just finished The Titan Probe. Can I give spoilers here? I will try to be vague. Even though I’m happy Marchenko continues on, why didn’t they try to rescue him when they returned to Enceladus? I don’t think he was officially “dead” yet. They were a creative bunch. They could have tried harder.
Hi Diane, well, as it seems, he was actually quite dead 🙂
I love your books: Encedalus and the Proxima Trilogy is delicous!
I will read all of them!