Brandon Q. Morris on the Internet and in social media

When I published my first book years ago, the plan was clear: there would also be a website for the book, plus maybe a newsletter, and a Facebook page probably had to be there, too. Well, the world has changed. I prefer to be where my readers are – and that means you can now find me on many other platforms as well. But after all, it would be boring if you read and saw the same thing everywhere. So it’s time for a little overview: Where can you find what from Brandon Q. Morris and how often?


What: The latest research news from space, space travel, physics and astronomy.

How often? About two to three times a week.


What? News about my writing, research, new books, future projects, book PDFs.

How often? About every three weeks.

Facebook page:

What: New publications, interesting links to articles, short snippets.

How often. Almost every day (multilingual).


What? If you sign up here (“Follow” button), Amazon will notify you on time about my new releases.

How often? With every new book.

Facebook group:

What? Smaller group discussions, science topics, questions about books (multiple languages).

How often? Based entirely on the needs of the group members.


What: Visuals – stunning images and videos.

How often: Once or twice a week.


What, book trailers!

How often. On most books.


What? New releases, any deals (rarely though)

How often: With most new books.


What? Yes, feel free to email me, I always reply 🙂 .

How often? Your choice.

Do you have a favorite platform where I’m not on yet? Or have you been on X for a long time but never visited me there? Then I am always happy about a visit!

Is there also some place where I can’t be found? Definitely, like: Tinder (haha), LinkedIn, WhatsApp, TikTok, Snapchat, Discord (account exists …) …


  • Hi,

    I am a mathematician, namely a math school teacher. I was born in Spain in 1978 and I didn’t play at street with my neighbours.

    I used to go to my local library to borrow books about anatomy and anstronomy, and watch TV for docomentaries about the human body and solar system.

    The string ‘Mercurio, Venus, Tierra, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, Neptuno y Plutón’ is like the alphabet to me. Pluto isn’t a planet anymore. This is like skipping the Z to me.

    I don’t want to expand on too much. For the moment, I just want to say to you that Enceladus saga is really amazing, and I have put your ‘brother’ Brandon Sanderson in pause for it, and this is MUCH to say.

    If you find this letter interesting, just answer. We can talk about Pi, about my experience in Mathematical Olympiad or my pros and cons aboaut what I have read from you.

    • ¡Hola Antonio!

      Me alegro de saber de usted. Quería responderle directamente por correo electrónico, pero lamentablemente la dirección indicada no es correcta. Parece que nos parecemos bastante, yo también participaba en la Olimpiada Matemática cuando era alumno y estaba en un club de matemáticas y de vacaciones en un campamento de matemáticas, donde conocí a mi primera novia en 8º curso. A ella también le gustaban las matemáticas 🙂 Luego estudié Física porque los trabajos me parecían más interesantes. Eso era en la época de la RDA (Alemaña de Este), cuando no se podía elegir trabajo.

      Gracias por leer mis libros. Lo vi en mi última visita a Málaga: Brandon Sanderson es muy popular en España. Así que es un honor que me mencionen junto a él.

      Saludos cordiales

  • Bonjour Monsieur,
    je viens de terminer le cycle Encelade.
    je ne vous connaissais pas et je fut agréablement surpris.
    sur le site “” , je vois un autre cycle à suivre.
    Juste une question, pourquoi il n’apparait pas le roman 3 dans ce cycle “lune de glace 2”.
    Emile Jacques

    • Merci pour lire mes livres! Le troisième volet de la série est en cours de traduction. Cordialement, Brandon

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  • BrandonQMorris
  • Brandon Q. Morris is a physicist and space specialist. He has long been concerned with space issues, both professionally and privately and while he wanted to become an astronaut, he had to stay on Earth for a variety of reasons. He is particularly fascinated by the “what if” and through his books he aims to share compelling hard science fiction stories that could actually happen, and someday may happen. Morris is the author of several best-selling science fiction novels, including The Enceladus Series.

    Brandon is a proud member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and of the Mars Society.